Real Estate Development: Sites Needed


Lots or existing IBA/Self-Serve Car Washes must be located in our target region. This includes Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin & Illinois.

Main Road Frontage

Visibility from daily traffic is key, avoid obstructions like landscaping and other businesses blocking our view. Car Washes can fail if they are one block off the main road.

Road Speed

Ideally we would look for a site with a speed limit under 45 mph. Anything over this would be rejected.


There is not really a minimum population requirement in order to open a Koala Wash™ franchise within the designated region. It’s more about the number of bays allowed based on the population.

Traffic Count

Each IBA bay must be supported by a minimum daily traffic count of 7,000. So for a 2-bay IBA, you would want a minimum of 14,000 daily traffic count.


Easy ingress for after-work traffic is the best option. Having to drive a block out of the way to get into the car wash location would not be approved!


Daily shopping and convenience stores are an excellent neighbor.


Ideally, no IBA’s within 2-3 miles of the site. However, this is subjective to the quality of the existing competition.

Average Household Income

Locations either match or exceed the area’s average household income.

Lot Size

Lots need to be a minimum of 75’ x 100’ of usable land.


Real Estate Submissions

Whether you are a Realtor® or a franchisee, please submit your potential Koala Wash™ site and we will review. Brokers protected.